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When you breastfeed, you hear everything and anything!

This act, although healthy and natural, remains a source of questions.

What are these beliefs really about? Let's decipher the true from the false.

Breastfeeding hurts!
Fake ! If the baby is positioned correctly, breastfeeding is absolutely not painful. Breastfeeding SHOULD NOT HURT! In case of pain, you should contact someone trained in breastfeeding so that they can correct the postures of the baby or the mother. A certified IBCLC lactation consultant will be best able to support you and check for any obstacles, which could be restrictive and complicate latching.

Breastfeeding makes your breasts saggy!
Fake ! Breast skin may sag during pregnancy and this varies depending on a woman's age, skin firmness and other factors.

You can't breastfeed after a cesarean!
Fake ! It is entirely possible to breastfeed following a cesarean section. You will need to put the baby to the breast as soon as possible and be accompanied. In addition, breastfeeding after a difficult birth often represents a restorative act for the mother and the baby.

Breastfeeding is unhealthy after a certain age!
Fake ! What is unhealthy is people who see a sexual or incestuous act in a completely natural gesture between mother and child. It is the sexualization of the woman's body and in particular her chest in our consumer society. The average age of natural weaning (therefore not induced by the mother or by the introduction of a bottle) is between 2 and 7 years. 7 years old, the age at which the child begins to lose their baby teeth. It is no coincidence that these temporary teeth are so named. Something completely natural in short... Each mother should do according to her feelings. Some mothers will breastfeed for only a few months, others for several years.

My milk is not nourishing enough!
Fake ! There come times when baby sucks more often. So much so that we convince ourselves (we allow ourselves to be persuaded) that our milk would no longer be nourishing enough, that baby would not be satisfied enough, that we would no longer have enough milk, etc. But rest assured, your milk will always be nourishing. Even in the event of extreme malnutrition on the part of the mother, her body will always take priority in ensuring the production of milk for the baby. Listen to yourself, trust yourself. The more baby feeds, the more your milk production will increase :)

If baby doesn't sleep through the night, it's because of breastfeeding!
Fake ! Babies' sleep is very different from adults' sleep. Sleeping 4 hours straight is already getting through the night. Even if it’s from 8 p.m. to midnight. So of course it's not our nights, but each baby has their own rhythm, which we must respect. And a lot of bottle-fed babies don't get us through the night either. Giving a bottle in the evening, cereal or anything other than the breast in the hope that baby will sleep straight through can lead to stomach discomfort and ultimately make the situation worse. Not to mention the risk of withdrawal.

Introducing a ritual, getting help from the other parent, practicing co-sleeping can be ways to put things into perspective and be more peaceful during the nights.

Breastfed babies need to drink more water in hot weather!
Fake ! Breast milk contains all the water the baby needs. It is mainly composed of 80% water! Magical, right?

I can't combine breast milk and formula!
Fake ! If a supplement is really necessary, combining the two milks is possible. Did you know that a single drink of commercial infant formula, in the first days of life, can disturb the baby's intestines for a month and increase the risk of allergies? So, if possible, resist the temptation to give a drink of commercial infant formula at night.

You should eat dairy products when breastfeeding!
Fake ! Our grandmothers also claimed that we should drink beer! Fortunately we no longer listen to them systematically! You need to eat varied and balanced. No need to increase your daily ration of dairy products. However, you need to drink plenty of water.

The other parent cannot be involved during breastfeeding!
Fake ! You can help mom by placing a cushion, offering water, food, etc. She will ensure the baby is positioned correctly and the room is calm.

And you, have you ever heard of other myths?

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