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"Milk drop" pendant - breast milk jewelry kit
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Load image into Gallery viewer, deuxième photo du pendentif bijou au lait maternel en forme de goutte de lait
Load image into Gallery viewer, "Milk drop" pendant - breast milk jewelry kit
Load image into Gallery viewer, photo du pendentif bijou au lait maternel en forme de goutte de lait
Load image into Gallery viewer, "Milk drop" pendant - breast milk jewelry kit

"Milk drop" pendant - breast milk jewelry kit

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Why choose the milk drop ?💧

The famous drop of milk, that little drop, that very first or last drop that comes out of your breast. This drop that represents so many things for each mom, like that very first time baby is at the breast🤱, the first source of nourishment he will have received, or like that little drop that runs down his cheek after suckling 🥰or that last drop that "closes" the end of your breastfeeding, there are so many reasons that it would take me 3 pages to tell the symbolism of this little drop of milk.


Dimensions 1.5 cm/L and 2 cm/H.

*All our pendants include the matching necklace (hypoallergenic stainless steel).

⚡ Once you've received your kit, you can make your own piece of jewelry in less than 10 minutes, from the comfort of your own home, following just 4 steps:

    1. Pour your milk into bottle 1
    2. .
    3. Pour bottle 2 into bottle 1, mix.
    4. Pour the mixture into your mold and leave for 24 hours.
    5. After 24 hours, unmould your jewel and voilà!

Each Premier Lait breast milk jewelry kit is hand-assembled with everything you'll need to make your keepsake :

  • The pre-selected mold 🤩
  • The solidification solutions 🧴🧴
  • The dropper to take the exact dose of your milk🥛
  • The clasp with the chosen color💎
  • The little user manual📖
  • And much more...🎁

To whom is our kits for making your own jewelry addressed?

With breast milk as the basis for the jewelry's design, our kit is a natural choice for mothers and mothers-to-be who want to create their own breastfeeding jewelry. Of course, it can also be a gift for a unique keepsake that will last a lifetime. It's the perfect way to keep a breastfeeding souvenir for life.

Is it easy to make the jewel from breast milk?

Of course, every kit for making your own jewelry will come with a short, detailed manual of every step to follow. No jewellery-making experience is required 😉 Our kits have been designed so that every mom can design her own jewel with her own breast milk in just a few simple steps. Making the jewel is within everyone's reach, and you can discover our explanatory video that quickly summarizes the few design steps

Do I need any special materials to make my jewelry?

Rest assured, everything is included in the kit, EXCEPT your breast milk, of course. Unlike other websites, there's no need to send your breast milk - the kit comes to you! All products, accessories and molding are included in the kit, so you can make your own breastfeeding jewelry.

How long does it take to wear my jewelry?

Designing your own breast-milk jewelry takes just a few minutes. Then there's a settling time before the jewel is ready to be worn. Depending on the jewel, this can take between 24 and 72 hours.

Can I use my breast milk if it has been frozen or has expired?

You can use your breast milk, even if it's frozen or out of date! Simply remove the milk a few minutes before making the jewel (the milk must be at room temperature). The breast milk used to make the jewel must be perfectly liquid, to ensure that the jewel is perfectly made!

How durable is my jewel?

The quality of the products we use ensures that your jewelry will last forever. What may change over time is the coloring, as milk is an organic material. In addition to the kit for designing your breast-milk jewel, we'll give you a few recommendations to follow to ensure the long life of your jewel.

How do I take care of my breast-milk jewel?

To answer this very important question about your jewelry, I invite you to read our blog post on the subject "How do I maintain my jewelry ?". If you have any questions on this subject, please don't hesitate to contact us, we'll be happy to help 😊

Will my jewelry look exactly like the pictures

Every mother is unique, and so is your milk. No two mothers' milks are the same! As the raw material for the jewel, this will have a bearing on the jewel's color. Some mothers produce "skimmed milk" because it's pale white in color, but many mothers produce "butter" whose color can vary from very yellow to white. This is what will make your breast milk jewelry as unique as you ✨

Do you have any more questions about our breast-milk jewelry?

We're here to help, advise and answer all your questions. You can get in touch with us directly via the contact page, on our Facebook page, Instagram or on our TikTok account. We'll be happy to answer them 😊

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Unique jewelry to make breastfeeding memories last forever

💎 Our breastmilk jewelry kits are one-of-a-kind, allowing young moms to transform their own breastmilk into a beautiful piece of jewelry.
It's a unique way to celebrate breastfeeding 🤱and create a precious, sentimental object they can wear proudly to show their maternal love 🌟.
And thanks to 3D printing technologies, we're creating models never seen anywhere else! 💎

A quick and easy breast-milk jewelry kit

⏳ We know that time is precious when you become a mom... With easy-to-follow instructions, you'll be able to create your jewel in a fun way,in less than 10 minutes, from the comfort of your home.
The jewel will then solidify in ambient air in about 24hours !
Hundreds of moms have already done it, you can too! 😃

You're guaranteed to incorporate your breast milk into a piece of jewelry

The creative process allows you to take a moment for you 💆‍♀️ and connect with your baby in a tangible way.🔒
And since you create your own jewelry, you have a 100% guarantee that your breast milk will be incorporated into the jewelry you wear.

An original and symbolic gift that will please every breastfeeding mother.

🎁 This gift is not only beautiful, it also has deep meaning - it's a symbol of the unique bond between mother and baby.
Don't settle for a generic gift - give her something really special with Premier Lait's breast milk jewelry kits! 🤗

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