As a mother, I have often asked myself this question, but really, why not!
Breastfeeding is a unique moment between mom and baby, whole nights staying pressed together, sweet glances exchanged, smelling her hair (Admit that you do that too? 🙈)
But it’s also a lot of moments of doubt, tears, pain, exhaustion, but we try to do everything to continue despite everything!
And a piece of advice, STOP looking at social media, even more so if you feel bad, because as women we are constantly comparing ourselves with each other.
But life is not always beautiful and rosy. You have the right to break down, to want to do nothing, to be physically and mentally exhausted, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT!
On the other hand, talk about it to your family, your friends, a work colleague, whatever, but talk about it, don't be alone! Burnout, postpartum depression... it can happen at any time and to anyone. It’s just that we don’t talk about it enough – still too taboo, we always prefer to show the beautiful sides of motherhood.
So, no matter how long you breastfed (1 day, 2 months, 1 year or more) you deserve to remember all the moments, so you never forget all the stages you went through!
This is a great gift to give to a friend, a mother-to-be or to yourself.
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